A.D. Engineering International is DownerMouchel and Main Roads WA supplier of choice for variable speed limit signs for school zones

A.D. Engineering International has designed and manufactured to date more than 1,000 solar powered signs for a variety of school zones in local and regional areas of Western Australia and is DownerMouchel and Main Roads WA supplier of choice for Variable Speed Limit Signs.

Our speed limit signs are highly visible and innovative and create awareness of school zone areas where a low speed limit applies at different times of the day. Our signs help create safe local traffic conditions for the community, warning drivers to slow down during the school start and end times.

Low maintenance, ultra reliability and easy installation make our speed limit signs the ideal choice not only for school zone areas but also mine sites, residential areas and other high-risk zones. Our signs meet MRWA compliance and can be manufactured as mains powered or fully solar powered (with a solar panel and internal batteries) for 24/7 operation. The school zone signs’ system run automatically from an internal calendar and real time clock (RTC).

Our continued partnership with DownerMouchel and Main Roads WA is recognition of the reliability and high quality of our products and our on-going support for the benefit of our clients and the community.

Variable Speed Limit Signs for School Zone     School zone signs